(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Applications :
How can I produce PostScript versions of the man pages?
Paul DuBois wrote on mklinux-misc:
I'm not at my MkLinux machine right now, so this is approximate.
What I do is find the page in the manpage hierarchy (/usr/man? /usr/share/man?)
then run:
        groff -Tps -man manpagefile > /tmp/junk.ps
I forget if the MkLinux manpages are compressed.  If so, then the command
is something like:
        zcat manpagefile | groff -Tps -man > /tmp/junk.ps
Use (g)tbl if necessary...
(Entered by jonh@cs.dartmouth.edu.)
(1997/05/13 "-Tps" added by Grant Erickson eric0139@gold.tc.umn.edu)
jonh@cs.dartmouth.edu., eric0139@gold.tc.umn.edu
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