(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) System Configuration : (Category) User Account :
Changes to .bash_profile PATH Ignored
(The following applies to a default installation of LinuxPPC, for a default user account.)
The file .bash_profile runs when the user logs in. The file .bashrc runs each time a terminal window is opened.
At Terminal Window Startup Time: .bashrc checks to see if /etc/bashrc exists and calls it. /etc/bashrc sets the PATH variable, but DOES NOT include $PATH in its new PATH, causing it to overwrite the PATH that was originally set in the user's .bash_profile.
This explains why: a. The PATH variable in .bash_profile is ignored. b. Some people on this mailing list suggest adding a PATH entry to .bashrc. I presume they put the updated PATH following the call to /etc/bashrc.
I suggest removing the PATH variable from .bash_profile. Leave a comment in .bash_profile that the PATH variable should be modified in .bashrc. Modify .bashrc to show where the user can update the PATH variable.

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This document is: http://www.jonh.net/cgi-bin/lppcfom/fom?file=920
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