(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) System Configuration : (Category) User Account :
Basic information on how to use linux
I need some more basic information on using linux, such as adding new users, setting privilages, getting it to boot without MacOS installed at all, configuring a web server, ftp server, telnet server, mail server, dns server, etc. Isn't there some more basic, complete doccumentation for this stuff? Linux for newbies?
I have not used this page myself (I guess I just like to haque), but I've found ZDNet useful in the past for other things:
Check it out!
Frankenlinux.com provides links to a lot of Linux Newbie Administration sites at: http://www.frankenlinux.com/links.html.
Frankenlinux.com provides links to a lot of Linux Newbie Administration sites at: <a href="http://www.frankenlinux.com/links.html">http://www.frankenlinux.com/links.html</a>.
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