(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) System Configuration : (Category) Disks :
I can't boot off my SyJet disk
I have formatted and partitioned my Syjet cartridge, installed MkLinux DR2.1, and rebooted, but MkLinux hangs after identifying all the devices in my system.
I tracked it down to the fact that the driver for the Syjet wasn't being loaded, was was actually being wiped off the disk when I ran pdisk. To get around it I did the following:
1) From MacOS, insert the Syjet cartridge, and if it complains that the disk is uninitialised (mine only had Unix partitions on it from previous attempts) go ahead and let it reinitialise the disk (we will be changing it all anyway).
2) From Silverling, create two partitions. A small one for MacOS (stops MacOS from complaining that the disk is uninitialised) and a large one filling up the rest of the disk.
3) Unmount the large partition by simply dragging the second disk that appears to the trash. The smaller MacOS one can stay on the desktop.
4) Run pdisk to create the Unix partitions. Delete the large partition that was created, and recreate the Unix partitions as you want them. In my case I had a 256MB root partition, a 128MB swap partition, and the rest as a /usr partition.
5) From Silverlining, update the driver (make sure that is the only option selected as we don't want to lose the partitioning we just did).
6) Now you can go and install MkLinux.
When booting, make sure that the Syjet cartridge is up to speed before you boot you Mac, otherwise it might not find the cartridge in time and it won't load the driver.
George Zamroz <jorgi@ozemail.com.au>
hollis@andrew.cmu.edu, jorgi@ozemail.com.au
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