(Category) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Trash :
Revised FOM
After much discussion on the users mailing list (see http://lists.linuxppc.org/) I decided to take the bull by the horns and create something new rather than try to modify the old...
There are two main "ports" of Linux for PowerPC computers: Mklinux which is based on the Mach microkernel, and Linux/PPC, of which there are several distributions.
(Answer) Ports
(Category) Distributions (or "versions") of Linux/PPC
(Category) Can I really run Linux/PPC? (or, Hardware Compatibility)
(Category) Booting Trouble
(Category) System Configuration
(Category) X Windows
(Category) Applications
(Category) Languages and Compilers
(Category) Wish List

Answers in this category:
(Answer) How To Compile a Kernel

[New Answer in "Revised FOM"]
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This document is: http://www.jonh.net/cgi-bin/lppcfom/fom?file=899
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