(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Booting Trouble :
Getting rid of Mac OS
I'm running LinuxPPC on a PowerMac 7500/100. I want to get rid of Mac OS. Is there a way I can do this so that Linux will boot itself, rather than rely on BootX? Feel free to e-mail me as well as post a responce, thanks.
You can attempt to use the quik bootloader. Similar to lilo from the x86 world, quik plays with the Open Firmware an gives you a simple boot prompt to allow you to choose what OS to boot.
Installation and configuration are similar to lilo, instead of /etc/lilo.conf you have /etc/quik.conf with similar syntax. See the quik.conf and quik man pages.
Older macs do not have OpenFirmware, for those I believe you will still need MacOS.
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