(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Applications : (Category) Emulation :
PowerPC 604e - Mac on Linux
Mac on Linux, isn't really a emulator, but a runtime, so your programs run pretty close to real speed on your hardware. It works on all PowerPC PCI-based Power Macintoshes, although some require a ROM image. Another thing to note, is MOL at this time presents your system to Mac OS software as a 604e, so newer software that might not like the 601/603, will run, abit slowly.


- mol.bin.[date].tgz (source code and glibc 2.1 binary for all modern PowerPC Linux distros)

- A ROM image from one of the following machines: Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8200, 8500, Starmax 4160 and similar in architechure. You can use the ROM image graber from the FTP site to do this.

- A copy of Mac OS (a version supported by the ROM iamge you supplied).

See the included install instructions.

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Previous: (Answer) Mac Plus: Running Programs For the Macintosh Plus on PowerPC Linux.
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