(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Applications : (Category) Emulation :
Mac Plus: Running Programs For the Macintosh Plus on PowerPC Linux.
You need to get vMac, a Mac Plus emulator, that comes with source code, and requires a Mac Plus ROM.

See http://www.leb.net/vmac

Install Instructions:

1) Download vMac from the offical website. You also need to obtain a ROM-image from a real Mac Plus or illegally (it's soo old Apple probally doesn't care anymoe) from the web. You also need to get a System 7.5.5 (or older) boot floppy from apple.com.

2) Compile vMac using the options that you want. For best results compile in svgalib, misthi-extions (for speed reasons) and gtk+ gui (so you have point and click configuration so you can avoid editing ~/.vmacrc.

3) After vMac is compiled, put the binary in a folder in you $PATH. The ROM usually needs to be next to the binary to work.

4) Edit ~/.vmacrc so it reflects the location of you your ROM image and Mac OS System Boot Floppy.

5) Type "vmac" from the command line. If you get a failure about not being able to find a ROM image, check to make sure you have a valid ROM image, and it's in the place you said it was in ~/.vmacrc configuration file.

6) If you get a Happy Macintosh Face, then a no disk icon, check to make sure ~/.vmacrc is pointing to the Mac OS 7.5.5 (or earlier) disk image.

7) Enjoy. Everything works, except for printing, scsi, networking, and sound. Great for loadrunner or hypercard. Isn't one color monochrome 512x348 great?!

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