(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) System Configuration : (Category) PPP :
How do I connect using kppp from a less privileged account
Does anyone know what I must do to be able to connect to my ISP using kppp from an account other than root? When I try kppp from a different login, I get the following message: "kppp is improperly installed - must be installed with the SUID bit set - contact your sys admin." I can only connect when logged in as root.
Hi Steve,
I am a newbie to Linux and I was (still am) scratching my head on this one. I have not looked into the problem too much because I found a work around. While logged on (not root) open a terminal window and type "su" and then the root password when prompted. Once you're the su then type kppp. Kppp should load up as if the session was originally root. BTW I would still like a real fix to this problem so if anyone out there knows!
Regards, Kevin
Well the correct answer is as kppp suggested, you need to set the set-uid to root bit. What this does is essentially what you do when you type "su" except it's a bit more secure as you don't have to give the root password to everyone. How you do it is with the chmod command, namely by typing:
chown root.root chmod 4555 kppp
in a shell window. The first line is probably not necessary.
To clarify the previous message, running chmod u+s kppp or chmod 4755 kppp sets the set user ID (SUID) bit on the kppp binary. This means that when kppp runs, it runs with an effective user ID (EUID) of its owner, in the case the root user, instead of the user ID (UID) of the user running it. There is also a set group ID (SGID) bit. Neither are particularly secure, but is about the only safe way to do this without introducing unneeded complexity.
Another, more secure but more complex way of letting others use kppp is to make kppp owned by root and a new group. Then add users who should be allowed to use kppp to the group. This allows unprivileged users to use kppp, while not introducing the security concerns of giving kppp full root priveleges.
However, a consolation for people who use the SUID method is that kppp is a well written program for SUID purposes. It forks upon execution, one small (~500 lines) program being used for the stuff that needs SUID, and the other forfeiting its SUID privileges and managing the complex user interface. Thus, for most systems, SUID'ing kppp is probably safe.
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