(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) LinuxPPC Lite :
Can I get LinuxPPC Lite on CD-ROM?
[Nov 18 1998] At the moment, no, but this will change very soon. There are at least two major Macintosh magazines that are planning on distributing LinuxPPC Lite on the demo CD-ROMs that are bundled with the magazines.

LinuxPPC Inc. has no plans to distribute a CD-ROM version of Lite at this time.

[Jan 25, 1999] A version of LinuxPPC Lite, called LinuxPPC Live, will be on the CD-ROM insert that ships with the newsstand edition of Macoworld (U.S.) magazine, probably in the Feburary 1999 issue (calendar month, not magazine month). You will be able to boot this version from the CD, although it is _very_ slow if you do so. You can also copy it to a hard disk, and it should run from there at full speed.
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