(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) LinuxPPC for PCI Macs :
How do I keep MacOS from trying to erase my Linux Jaz disk?
If you try to insert a Jaz disk that doesn't have a MacOS or PC partition on it, the Iomega drivers will want to erase the disk. If you disable the Iomega extension and control panel, you can insert a Jaz Disk after the Finder starts up with no problem. You can then run Quik or LinuxDisks on the Jaz disk.
If you use Silverlining on your Jazz disks (full support for them) you can bypass the Jazz drivers and have the disks fully functional still. When you format with Silverlining you have the option of only mounting Now or on startup. Just deselect both. The MacOS will ignore the disk.
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