(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) System Configuration : (Category) Printing :
How do I print to my Deskwriter?
First, set up /etc/printcap and /usr/local/bin/deskwriter-filter as follows:
# /etc/printcap
# Please don't edit this file directly unless you know what you are doing!
# Be warned that the control-panel printtool requires a very strict format!
# Look at the printcap(5) man page for more info.
# This file can be edited with the printtool in the control-panel.

# /usr/local/bin/deskwriter-filter
# pass through enscript to turn text into PostScript (PS should stay PS?),
# then through ghostscript to rasterize, and out to the printer.

/usr/local/bin/enscript -M Letterdj --pass-through --lineprinter -o - |\
/usr/bin/ghostscript -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=deskjet -sOutputFile=- -
exit 0
Then set up /dev/printerport. I call it that because /dev/printer gets recreated on every boot as a named pipe. For MkLinux, use `cua0` instead of `cua1.`
 # (cd /dev; ln -s cua1 printerport)
Make sure bin can talk to the printer (again, use the appropriate cua device).
 # chmod 660 /dev/cua1
 # chgrp bin /dev/cua1
Make the lpr spool directory and log file:
 # mkdir /var/spool/lpd/deskwriter
 # chgrp lp /var/spool/lpd/deskwriter
 # touch /var/log/lpd-errs
Then append this to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
 # set up printer port parameters (-echo thanks to (Xref) How do I fix garbled printer output?)
 stty 57600 raw -echo crtscts < /dev/printerport
Oh, and lest I forget, download the `enscript' package from MkArchive (in sys/printing/ps, last I looked), and install it. Just `tar xvzf enscript*; cd ensc...; make install' should do.

That should do it. Reboot (to get the printer port permissions set up right), and try 'lpr' on a text or PostScript file.

If it's not working, make sure that you can at least print a file by executing

 /usr/local/bin/deskwriter-filter < filename
as root.
The enscript package is found on MkArchive ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/os/Linux/mklinux/mkarchive/publishing/ps/
and not in the sys/printing/ps directory as stated above.

MkLinux (pre-)DR3 uses /dev/cua1 as the printer port, so be sure that /dev/printerport in the directions above points to cua1, NOT cua0.

On a Powerbook G3 the correct link for the modem/printer port is /dev/ttyS0 Replace all references to /dev/cua# above to this.
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jonh@cs.dartmouth.edu, mehul@ziplink.net, hollis@andrew.cmu.edu, graeme@surfinfo.com
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