(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) System Configuration : (Category) Email :
How do I build Pine ?
I had luck compiling the Pine/Pico 3.9.6 distribution which is available
from http://www.cac.washington.edu/pine .
I  edited the ./pico/makefile.lnx as follows:
Comment out the first DASHO= line and uncomment the DASHO=	-02
#includes symbol for debugging
#DASHO=		-g
#for normal build
I modified the pine/makefile.lnx as follows:
I uncommented the OPTIMIZE line and commented the DEBUG line.
RM=          rm -f 
LN=          ln -s
MAKE=        make
PROFILE=     # -pg
DEBUG=       # -g -DDEBUG

Apparently, these optional debugger lines, usually not considered to 
be platform specific, are...  I hope that the pine team will include
a line so that we can just do 'build mkl'  :-)

And btw, although pine will work, DR 2.x has the wrong permissions on
the mail directories.

So, make sure that your /usr/var/mail directory has the right privs: 

chgrp mail /var/spool/mail
chmod 1777 /var/spool/mail

 Computer Advocacy at NYU 
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