(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) X Windows : (Category) KDE :
The "K" Desktop Environment
KDE: K Desktop Environment
( compiled from Q&As on the <linux-pmac@samba.anu.edu.au> List
It's a nice window manager (really it's more than a simple window manager). No, it is an integrated environment-I think it is to X what MacOS is to Quickdraw.

It is a pretty heavy duty environment, much closer to Windows or the MacOS than any of the other window managers I have tried, if that is important to you. It comes with a bunch of utilites, as well. Pretty cool.

If you want a window manager and some tools to make X feel somewhat reminiscent of the Finder, it's something to be enthusiastic about.
Otoh, if you like a simple and imho somewhat cleaner X environment, you probably won't care for it. I like MacOS well enough as an integrated system, but I don't especially want a detached pseudo-Finder interface in linux, any more than I want a detached Win95 desktop in linux (ie fvwm95). I ran kde for a day, and was happy to switch back to the latest release of vanilla fvwm.
Nice to have the choices though.

By the way, you can also get the RPMS for both QT and KDE at:


 I have located both the we page for QT
 Troll Tech
For PowerPC/Linux & MkLinux users using Red Hat you NEED qt.3.1:
I saw the qt-ppc-RPMs on:

and "K" Desktop Enviroment The K Desktop Environment
and obtained the Red Hat versions of the files needed, (kom-0.3.10.tar.gz too),

Question: How do I run KDE?
I have KDE package installed but cannot find a script to launch it. Then, in /opt/kde/bin, I tried to type kmw. It says cannot connect to X server. Typed kdm, I got a login screen and i was locked out. command-option-power key cannot kill it.

Add this to the end of your .xinitrc file:

comment the former wm out, and make sure you have /opt/kde/bin/ in your path (edit your ~/.bashrc if you don't).

hsundt@eugn.uswest.net, hollis@andrew.cmu.edu
As of the release of the official MkLinux DR3 the default environment invoked with the startx script is KDE. The script defining start-up of kde which is searched for by startx and its dependents is startkde, no longer is it called kdestart
Question: I have upgraded my entire system via ftp. I need to get the desktop environment working to use netscape. Xautoconfig is not recognized. I would like to get the system to boot into kde, how do I do this?
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