(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Distributions : (Category) General RedHat-based Linux Distro Info :
What if Red Hat Software doesn't release Red Hat Linux/PPC?
The sky won't fall; the world won't end.

Even though Red Hat is not likely to choose to officially support
PPC as a supported platform, we'll still be more than happy to work
with volunteers from the PPC community to get patches for PPC into
our official sources as applicable and reasonable, making it
possible to compile Red Hat Linux for PPC platforms.  We would
probably even distribute a compiled version on our ftp site.

For more information on how to volunteer, see
entitled "What is Red Hat Software waiting for?"

Michael K. Johnson  johnsonm@redhat.com
There is already a pre-release verison of "Red Hat Linux" for PPC/MkLinux.

This of course is an un-official version, as Red Hat does not currently support Linux PPC.

You can try it at:


Keep in mind this is still a pre-release, any questions and comments should be directed to fray@kernel.crashing.org.

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