(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) LinuxPPC for PCI Macs :
What "output-device" do I need for OF's user interface to appear on my machine's monitor?
input-device can be set to 'kbd' as this seems to be a standard alias,

however, with output-devices we are not so lucky (on newer Open Firmware

versions, 'screen' usually works).


Machine                output-device


PowerBase              /bandit/ATY,mach64_3D_pcc

PowerCenterPro         /bandit/ATY,mach64_3D_pcc

PowerWave              /bandit/ATY,XCLAIM

9500 old Mach64        /ATY,mach64 

7200                   can't output to monitor at all

7300, 7500, 7600       /chaos/control

7300 w/ATI XClaim3d card (should work for this card on any PCI Mac) -


8500, 8600, 9500, 9600 varies, depending on the video chip that the 

                       machine shipped with.  Try /bandit/ATY,XCLAIM 

                       or /bandit/ATY,264VT. Newer 9600s ship with a 4Mb

                       IXMicro TwinTurbo; try 


StarMax 5000           /bandit@F2000000/ATY,RAGEII_M@11

Also, Paul Mackerras provided this suggestion: 

'If you know the PCI config space address of the card (this will be a hex

number between B and 1F, depending on which slot it's in) you can use a 

name like /bandit/@11 (say). I guess you could try all the addresses in 


If you have a second computer handy, you can try finding it out the device

using it to talk to Open Firmware - see the /LinuxPPC/OpenFirmware category. 


1997-07-18: jk@esperance.com; Created question/answer, added PowerBase

1997-07-23: nicolas@pobox.com; added 9500

1997-07-24: gjohnson@bethe.clarku.edu; added PowerCenterPro

1997-08-19: wj@acpub.duke.edu   added StarMax 5000, courtesy of Jeremy Tinley

1997-10-03: tim@zeroG.com    added IXMicro Twinturbo device 

1997-12-06: doug@mhost.com added PowerWave with ATI Xclaim GA card (default)
/bandit/ATY,XCLAIM3D@D, /bandit/@11, jk@esperance.com, nicolas@pobox.com, gjohnson@bethe.clarku.edu, wj@acpub.duke.edu, tim@zeroG.com, doug@mhost.com
My 8600/300 with OF 1.0.5 works with output-device /chaos/control
Not too difficult (when you know), but it took me several months to realize
why my ATI card in my 9500 PowerMac won´t display the OF:

It has two PCI busses.

so, you have to specify the second bus for identifying the output device:

output-device pci2/ATY,mach64
I mixed the above with Paul Mackerras' "try all addresses" suggestion.

On my 9600/300, which has an 8MB TwinTurbo, the following works:  pci2/@F
If your card is not in the same slot as mine, I guess one of the following
should work:
                            ^ note the "8" between "mb" and "A"
UMAX S900DP w/8MB IMX Twin Turbo card's work using this output-device:
The OF 1.0.5 screen that appears on my machine looks like someone took the original screen, sliced it into vertical bars, and then spread them apart about a centimeter. All of the text is displayed though, but it is a bit hard to read. Oh well, at least it works.
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