(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) LinuxPPC for PCI Macs :
How can I put UN*X partitions on an IDE disk using freeware?
The linux version of pdisk has this capability.  It is possible
to boot linux from a floppy and run pdisk from there.  A floppy
bootable image of linux that includes a compressed ramdisk image
that has pdisk among other things can be found at:
http://www.duke.edu/~wj/linux/ . There are also some instructions there
on how to use it.
The MacOS version of pdisk handles IDE disks as of version 0.6.
That version was released 4 February 1998 and you can find it or
a later version at ftp://ftp.mklinux.apple.com/pub/wip/pdisk/

-eryk vershen <eryk@apple.com>

The Pdisk site:
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