(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) LinuxPPC for PCI Macs :
I installed the 2.1 kernel, and now my system crashes on boot with a DEFAULT CATCH error.
You need to update your disk bootstrap.  Do this (as root, under linux):
1. Get the latest quik release (cap.anu.edu.au).
2. install the quik rpm (rpm --rebuild quik.*.rpm)
(old:3. cd to the quik directory and type "make install".)
4. type "quik -vf".
Paul Mackerras <paulus@cs.anu.edu.au>
addon: you can also talk to your OF and boot back into an old kernel that you 
might have left behind. just type (at the 'boot:' prompt) vmlinux.old (or any name that you have 
called the kernel).  you'll need to do it before the boot prog tries to boot.  the time is set by 
default to 1 sec but you may change that in /etc/quik.conf.  another way to save yourself is by 
pressing comand-option-p-r and zap the pram.  this should get you back into macos and from there 
use boot variables.
modified by jambi 04-04-97
changed milo to quik matesch@students.wisc.edu

A kernel downloaded (or uncompressed) in ASCII form and not binary will also
result in a default catch error during boot-up.  Make sure it's binary.
paulus@cs.anu.edu.au, matesch@students.wisc.edu, wj@acpub.duke.edu
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