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Problems with MacOS HFS+ Partitions cannot Access Files???
I can not access Files on MacOS HFS+ Partition and without this posisblity there is no Way to copy Files to the MkLinux Partitions.
What must i do to get me Files?
I tried Hmount but it does nothing i simple not get any Files instead i see some Files with name "Where are me Files going" but thats a Text for MacOS 8.1 Users.
So where are me Files going under MkLinux?? That the Question.
I installed Micro Kernel 7 (without no even the CDROM was found) now Mklinux works but i have no possiblity to copy anything to the Partition not so cool for the Future....
if you read any of the linux documentation you'll see that linux cannot access hfs+ partitions. You must use an hfs partition to install from, not hfs+
Sorry, but HFS is "Waste of Space" HFS+ is better so where is the support for it?
And then i have the same Problems with me External SCSI JAz i used IBM-Formated Disks because i have 5 PC's so i want to transfer this way the Data to the Linux but again the Linux-Light(Mklinux) does not mount it even if option MSDOS is added.
I read many such Problems here and its time that the Support for HFS+ and FAT16 FAT32 IBM Formated JAZ'es are added quickly because else there is no possiblity to transfer anything to the Linux Partition no update and no sources simple NOTHING!
And then its Time to think about what to do with a OS that cannot access any other Fileystem. I have no other possiblity to get DATA into me Linux partition as via JAZ or via the MacOS partition so what i shoul do?
I have DR3 (1998???) soon its 2000 where are the updates? This way its no funny really spending Hours to get things to work and then BASIC-Linux operations like Mounting a JAZ drive is not supported.
I think its Time to kick Mklinux from me Disk.
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