(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Trash :
Freeing unused kernal memory ???? then nothing......help!
my boot gets to "freeing unused kernal memory 112k init 32k prep" and then it just sits there, i get a blinking cursor and i can input text but it doesn't do anything (i.e. startx) i have been trying to figure this out for days!!!!

i am running linuxppc r5 on a biege 233 g3. kernal: linuxppc final
i used the redhat installer instead of the x installer and during the final step of installation, right after video probe i get an error on x server, so i just select menu and exit installation.
thanks, e

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Next: (Answer) I heard Paul's got the RedHat installer working for Powermac/Linux (linux-pmac). Looks wicked, what do I do?
This document is: http://www.jonh.net/cgi-bin/lppcfom/fom?file=747
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