(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) LinuxPPC for PCI Macs :
I can't hear audio CDs on a beige G3
First you should check that /dev/cdrom is symlinked to /dev/hdc (normally) which is the real CD-ROM device. Then make sure that /dev/hdc has appropriate permissions for whichever user wants to play CDs.
You'll also need to use xmixer, kmix or even sndvolmix -c 15 to make sure that CD playthrough is enabled.
But there's more: some CD drives only work if you loaded Linux with the BootX application, rather than the BootX extension. This is because of the way that the CD-ROM drive is initialised during Mac boot-up, apparently. You may also need to make sure virtual memory is off in MacOS, reboot MacOS, and then load Linux for it to work.
Note: this may also apply to non-beige G3s, I don't know.
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