(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Hardware Compatibility :
Lombard Ethernet seems to work now!
There seems to be a fix for the Lombard Ethernet problem. Jason Haas posted the patch to comp.os.linux.powerpc; he got the patch from another source.
The patch essentially is a new bmac_init_chip subroutine in the bmac.c file (located in /usr/src/linux/drivers/net). I've added it to the end of this file.
As of July 8 1999 10:40PM PST I uploaded several files to ftp.linuxppc.com/incoming. These files are:
bmac.c_fixed.gz: this is the patched bmac.c. You can replace your old bmac.c file with this, recompile, and ethernet should work.
linux-2.2.10.ppc.00.gz: this is a kernel I compiled with the ethernet fix. I've fiddled around with the config settings so it's not exactly a 'generic' kernel. Basically I enabled some of the TCP/IP and user quota options.
linux-2.2.10.ppc.01.gz: same as the '00' kernel but with the powerbook_fn_key.patch and powerbook_modem.patch applied.

---- static int bmac_init_chip(struct device *dev) {

        unsigned int bmac_mif_version;
        bmac_mif_version = bmac_mif_read(dev, 2);
        if (is_bmac_plus && (bmac_mif_version == 0x7810 ||
bmac_mif_version == 0x2000)) {
                if (bmac_mif_read(dev, 4) == 0xa1) {
                        bmac_mif_write(dev, 0, 0x1000);
                } else {
                        bmac_mif_write(dev, 4, 0xa1);
                        bmac_mif_write(dev, 0, 0x1200);
#if 0
                /* XXX debugging */
                bmac_mif_read(dev, 0);
                bmac_mif_read(dev, 4);
        return 1;
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