(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Start Here! (Getting started/First day) :
DR3 Install Hangs on Beige G3 Minitower
The mach kernal has problems if it tries to use a large amount of RAM. I had 288MB of RAM installed. A line needs to be added to the lilo.conf file to restrict the amount of memory that the kernal will use.
Add "mach_options= -m90". If this fixes the problem, AND you want to see exactly how much RAM you can give the kernal, you can try increasing the 90 value until the kernal will no longer operate. Then reduce the value until it works again.
There is no exact maximum I can give you because the problem depends not only on the amount of memory available, but also on how it is configured. Some people have been able to use 210 to 230MB. 256MB might work under the right configuration (ie 1-256MB module or 2-128MB memory modules. I am just guessing here)
Also, you may need to get the generic-07 kernal. Earlier versions may not accept the -m option.
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