(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) Open Firmware :
Is Quik Bootloader for Mac OS Dead?
>>None of my systems have MacOS on them...I'm using quik.  I have no desire
>>to reinstall MacOS just so I can boot linux.  Will quik work with the 2.x.x
>>kernel, or will I be screwed here?  I'm currently using 2.1.24 on all my
>>systems, but want to install the lastest version.

BootX's Author Reply / BenH.

>BootX is not meant to _replace_ quik. Since OF is not working well enough
>on a lot of Macs, BootX may be your only choice, but if quik works for
>you and you like it, then use it, it's hopefully still working. OF
>booting is better from a "theorical" point of view ;-)
In all practical terms, yes.

I've been trying to get a new install of linuxPPC Q3 CD (2.2.6-15apmac) 
to boot with quik 2.0a (it was on the CD& installed by default).

When I run quik (no matter what extensions or locations for the config, kernel & stageboot files)
it replies

Second-Stage loader is on /dev/sdb0
Config file is on partition 5
Fatal error: cannot open /dev/sdb0

I've read the man pages on quik, quik.config, and booting. (no mention of a Fatal error or how to reconcile)
I've tried just about every variation of config file I could find using Sherlock(MacOS). (still no metion of a Fatal error)
Since October '99, I've been posting requests for help on quik to every support-list I could find.

I have yet to recieve a single response. It's now January 2000.

So, yes for all practical purposes it appears that quik is dead.

If you don't have room on your HD for a MacOS bootable partition with bootX, you're screwed.
If quik is working on your pre-2.2.6 system, take my advice - don't upgrade.
I talked to Jeff Carr.  Quik 2.0 is for CHRP machines so that is probably your problem.
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