(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) System Configuration : (Category) PPP :
PPP Serial Line Looped Back Error
date:       Fri Mar 13 22:19:00 1998
to:         mklinux-networking@public.lists.apple.com
from:       dstoler@globalpac.com
subject:    Solution to: PPP Serial Line Looped Back Error
attachment: 1 ORIGINAL.HEADER                     type: UNIX  size: 1120
sender:     owner-mklinux-networking@public.lists.apple.com
size:       720

Giuliano Gavazzi was correct. Adding "E0" to the modem initialization string
solved the problem. "E0" turns off modem echo.

The modem was echoing the input back to the computer. Apparently this didn't
cause a problem with chat, but pppd didn't like it.

I still don't have ppp working, but I am further along. Hopefully I can debug
the rest on my own.

Thanks to everyone for their help!


[Append to This Answer]
jquinn@nortel.ca, ddkilzer@earthlink.net
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This document is: http://www.jonh.net/cgi-bin/lppcfom/fom?file=370
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