(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) LinuxPPC for PCI Macs :
Configuring PowerCenter Pro 210 for Linux-PMac
I've just recently been able to wrestle Open Firmware into booting Linux-pmac on my PowerCenter Pro 210, since the Boot Variables settings were different from those already posted.
My PCC PCP 210 doesn't have MESH anywhere (that I can find), so boot-device: scis-int/sd@1:0 didn't work. (It's a devalias to /bandit/gc/mesh/...) Instead, I used boot-device: /bandit/gc/53c94/sd@1:0.
This is interesting to me because it's different from what everyone says it should be and it's also different from what the installer said to use.
boot-device: /bandit/gc/53c94/sd@1:0 (for ID 1 on SCSI 0)
boot-file: /vmlinux
input-device: kbd
output-device: /bandit/ATY,mach64_3D_pcc
It's a bit easier to identify the boot-device on the PowerCenter series as simply /scsi/sd@X:0. Where X is the device ID. In most cases you can leave the boot-file empty.
aboyer@erols.com, lna@bigfoot.com
In clarification:
1) X Windows will not function on Power Center Pro machines under Linux-pmac. 2) Boot Variables in unnecessary when using MkLinux.
Keep fighting the good fight,

X does work, but you need a recent version of Xpmac which you can get from ftp.linuxppc.org/users/atong download it and put it in /usr/X11/bin/ it should work just fine.
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