(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) LinuxPPC for PCI Macs :
Default Catch or CLAIM Failed due to extra bootable partition
I had a working installation on partition 4, then installed afresh on partition 6, ran 'quik', and wiped out partition 4 to free it up for other uses. Unfortunately, the next time I tried to boot into Linux, Open Firmware noticed the 'bootable' flag on partition 4 and tried to boot the blockfull of zeroes thereon. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that when I ran 'quik -vf' on partition 6, quik noticed the bootable flag and called it to my attention (although it doesn't fix it for you).

Gian-Paolo D Musumeci suggested using FWB Hard Disk Toolkit to remove the flag. Unfortunately, I don't own HDT. I mention it here for the next person who stumbles on this problem who might own HDT.

I read the quik source, and after looking everywhere for mac-part.h, found it packaged with quik. :v) The bootable flag is the bit masked by 0x08, in byte offset 0x05B from the beginning of a given partition. Partition descriptiors s are on 0x200-byte boundaries from the beginning of the disk, starting with the one at 0x200. I fixed this in my case by:

    1. booting off the installer floppy
    2. hitting ^Z to exit the installer
    3. mount /dev/sda6 /mnt (get to all my installed programs)
    4. chroot /mnt sh
    5. cd /
    6. dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/pmap size=512 count=10
    7. /usr/local/bin/beav /tmp/pmap    # edit partition map to remove flag
    8. dd if=/tmp/pmap of=/dev/sda size=512 count=10
    9. quik -vf # to satisfy myself that I've eliminated the bootable
                # flag on partition 4
It would be good if no one ever had to do it this way again. :v) I volunteered to add a bootable-flag-toggle command to pdisk, and am waiting to find out who maintains the pdisk source.
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