(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Distributions : (Category) General RedHat-based Linux Distro Info :
Will Red Hat Linux include a better kernel or X server?
No.  (I don't promise it will even exist, remember...)

Red Hat Linux/PPC won't include kernel capabilities that aren't
available anywhere else; we won't work on PPP in the MkLinux
kernel, for instance.  What we do (for example) is make PPP in
the kernel easier to use with the configuration tools, just like
we do on the Intel, Alpha, and SPARC platforms.

By the same token, we won't be hacking X servers to make them
work better -- that's not our strength.  We put together what's
available and make it work better together.  We write very little
kernel code, and what we do in the kernel is usually relatively
simple.  And if we do hack the kernel or X servers for some
reason, we won't keep our hacks to ourselves; since we'll give
them back to the community, you won't see a difference in those
pieces between the Red Hat version and the official net version.

Most of our contribution to the kernel involves us sponsoring
Linux kernel developers to go to conferences and talk together;
that has had great benefits for the Linux community in the past,
and we expect it to continue to do so.

Michael K. Johnson  johnsonm@redhat.com
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