(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) PowerPC Linux Kernel :
What do I do with all those little utilities from cap.anu.edu.au?
Put them in /usr/local/bin.

Then add '/usr/local/bin/clock -s' to the end of your /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
This tells linux to set your system time correctly based on the
time in MacOS. (See related question in the "system configuration"

nvsetenv lets you set Open Firmware variables; see example in the macos
	script included with nvsetenv.
milo lets you install boot information; it's the Unix version of the
	Milo.sit MacOS-side package.
nvvideo lets you change the default video mode stored in PRAM.
vmode lets you change the video mode and bit depth linux is using on the fly.
screenrestore replaces the one from MkLinux, so that startx restores the
	screen display after X runs.
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