(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) Open Firmware :
Where can I find documentation about Open Firmware?
URL Correction: replace 'devworld' in the apple.com URLs above, with 'developer' Also, the URL at tungstun.com is defunct.
URL Correction: replace 'devworld' in the apple.com URLs above, with 'developer' Also, the URL at tungstun.com is defunct.
Look at Apple's technotes:
1061: Fundamentals of Open Firmware, Part I:  The User Interface
1062: Fundamentals of Open Firmware, Part II: The Device Tree 
1044: Fundamentals of Open Firmware, Part III: PCI Expansion ROM Contents for Mac OS 8
1061 tells you how to talk to OF through the serial port.

Anyone else?
Fred Dushin  <fadushin@top.cis.syr.edu>
Syracuse, NY
Takashi Oe (toe@unlinfo.unl.edu)
Well, since it's not written by Apple, you might also want to go to the
source...  http://www.firmworks.com/ 

Other URLs:

IEEE 1275 (Open Firmware) working group home page:

More IEEE 1275 stuff:
1997-02-10 added html to make URL pointers work (eyles@chemistry.umass.edu)
1997-03-18 You can also look at http://chrp.apple.com/1275/home.html 
           which has links to plenty of documentation, although it hasn't
           been updated in a long time. <mdecerbo@bbn.com>

1998-03-13 chrp.apple.com is defunct. <deivu@eccosys.com>

1998-08-19 Switched dates to ISO 8601 standard 
           (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html) <jk@espy.org>
1998-08-19 Added "playground" links <jk@espy.org>
fadushin@top.cis.syr.edu, toe@unlinfo.unl.edu, Stig@hackvan.com, eyles@chemistry.umass.edu, mdecerbo@bbn.com, deivu@eccosys.com, jk@espy.org, inet2@akos.net
Apple *does* write and maintain their own OF, as do other workstation manufacturers. FirmWorks is an embedded consulting firm, and their implementation (although it does support embedded PowerPCs) is little related to MacOF.
Not only is there more than one OF, it's an IEEE standard. Probably the best reference for OF is the IEEE document itself. You can get it for $200+ from Global Engineering Documents.
This link might work: http://global.ihs.com/doc_detail.cfm?currency_code=USD&customer_id=212547504D0A&shopping_cart_id=2724583F2D4A20244B5B3020270A&country_code=US&lang_code=ENGL&item_s_key=00209633&item_key_date=051231&input_doc_number=1275&input_doc_title=&org_code=IEEE
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