(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) System Configuration : (Category) Disks :
Can I boot off of a Jaz or Zip disk?
Yep. See this for how to install on a Jaz drive:
If you have a Zip, life will be a lot less exciting. Because the disks
are so small, you will only get a small subset of a linux system.
I formatted my entire Zip disk as one linux partition, except for a
tiny (couple of blocks) swap partition to make the DR2 installer happy.
Then I installed this subset of DR2 (you can fool the DR2 installer
into using any tarball, if it's got the right name):
You won't have any swap, you'll have to use another disk's MacOS to
bootstrap from, and lots of stuff is missing (X windows, C compiler...).
But it'll get you started.
Heinz Nabielek <h.nabielek@fz-juelich.de> pointed out that the
above mentioned file is missing the /mach_servers directory, which is
necessary to boot mklinux. I think I deleted that to save space, as I
was building a linux-pmac boot disk. You should be able to roll in your
own mach_servers if you need it using the files available in the FSFind
i have the entire mklinux install on one (my only, sigh) jaz cartridge
and nothing bad has happened, yet...

I installed linux-pmac on a zip disk using the redhat installer from
the linuxppc site. I'm no expert on linux, but once I changed bootvars
to boot from scsi/sd@5:0, it worked fine. The only things you need to
do it this way are the bootvars program, (I used 1.3) and the
vmlinux.coff file from:
or any of the mirrors, I suppose. just follow the instructions from:
and then work your way through the installer. Just remember that you
don't have much space.


Okay, I've written directions on installing Linux-pmac onto a Zip - it's a minimal
install, WITH Xwindows.  See


I have developed a process of partitioning a Jaz cartridge for use with LinuxPPC 
that retains the Iomega Driver and its bad block table (The elimination of this 
"free space" is the most common cause of bad cartridges!). This also has the 
feature of a small HFS partition to allow the cartridge to be inserted in MacOS.

The step by step procedure can be found at:

h.nabielek@fz-juelich.de, jonh@cs.dartmouth.edu, gbakay@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca, scsi/sd@5, reaper@umich.edu, wj@acpub.duke.edu, lna@bigfoot.com
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