(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) PowerPC Linux : (Category) Open Firmware :
8500 woes of openfirmware
Does anyone know how to get an 8500 to boot up into openbsd, I've been trying for some weeks now to set one up, can get int the openfirmware using system disk but for the life of me I can not get it to boot up from the cd rom, hard drive and floppy disk, I have patched it so the display works and i get navigate around open firmware. I can use the dev command but I cannot get it to give me a directory listing of the drives.
i do though get an error message if i try to use the boot command , and its the default catch, code=FFFFFFF6
any help will be appreciated as if this keeps up an old PC mother board is going to be used insead
cheers Del


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