(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Applications : (Category) Encryption :
How do I compile pgp? (obsolete - see "PGP for PowerPC")
See the other item in this category for instructions on installing the PGP RPM (installing an RPM is almost *always* prefereable to compiling the source from a .tar.gz and running a make install.)
First, get the source for http://web.mit.edu/network/pgp.html
Build rsaref
Add this to the makefile in the pgp/src directory:
Then, type "make mklinux" at your nearest prompt.
Took me hours to figure out... and I'm not sure why. :)
Here's how I built pgp 2.63a for use in the US.
Grabbed the 2.62 sources from MIT. Built the rsaref (/rsaref/install/unix).
Used the following CFLAGS:
CFLAGS = $(INCL) -O3 -mcpu=604 -fforce-addr -s -c -DPROTOTYPES=$(PROTOTYPES) 
Grabbed the 2.63ia sources from  The International PGP home page
Move the rsa stuff into your new pgp dir, and make the following mods to
pgp's makefile.
The rsa stuff in the makefile should look like:

# For a pure MPILIB version, uncomment the following lines
#RSAOBJS = rsaglue1.o
# For an RSAREF version, uncomment the following lines
RSADIR = ../rsaref
RSALIBDIR = $(RSADIR)/install/unix
RSAOBJS = rsaglue2.o
# If you want to use MPILIB as a back end to RSAREF, uncomment this line:

And add the below the pgp/src/makefile

	$(MAKE) all CC=gcc LD=gcc \
	CFLAGS="$(RSAINCDIR) -O3 -mcpu=604 -s -DUNIX \

Type make ppclinux and congrats. A bit more complex 
than the other method, but you get the latest pre-PGP 5 release,
with pgp risc optimisations (-DMERRITT is supposed to be good
according to docs)..
7/23/97  antoine@eci.com
chilly@psu.edu, antoine@eci.com
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