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Configuring Sound
I have LinuxPPC 2000 running on the vmlinux-2.2.14pre9-rev2 kernel. It is installed on a B&W G3.
However, I can't seem to get my sound to work at all. How do I set this up? Can someone point me to a handy place that has information about setting up the sound under Linux?
If you are using Boot X on a new world Mac, then that may be the problem. Boot X tends to mess up the sound files when booting.
To solve the problem, switch over to yaboot.
I am on a beige G3. It doesn't have sound either, but I can't use Yaboot (not a new world ROM machine). What the heck is wrong?
Troy Vitullo
I'm currently running mklinux pre-r1 on a Performa6116CD (601/60) and /dev/audio worked fine under the 2.0.37 kernel, I recently built/installed the 2.0.38 Generic kernel, and now my sound drivers are gone! any ideas??
I have a 2000 powerbook and I can't get sound to work at all either, /dev/sndstat gives the right information, /dev/dsp exists and I can run esd and mpg123 with no problems, but no sound comes out of the speaker. I noticed that nothing other then cascade shows up in /proc/dma, but that's as far as I've gotten
I also have a beige G3 running YDL and I have serious sound lackage. Using bootx. I'm kinda new to this linux thing, so it could be that I'm a moron, but I'd appriciate some input.
Well, I feel stupid. At least I have company though. Sometimes a "modprobe dmasound" is all you need to get things working.
well, I'm on a bondi iMac (the first one, for those who don't remember, I even have the InfraRed port on the front), and I get sound through the built in speakers, but not through my externals, would love to know if there's a fix I could find out about that would use my externals instead of the terribly tinny internals.
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