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Emulate middle and right mouse buttons for USB
How do I make the keyboard emulate the middle and right mouse buttons? I've tried to use adb_buttons=120,122 but that doesn't seem to work. I am using LinuxPPC 1999 on a Rev. B iMac.

I have the same problem but with Yellowdog Linux Champion Server 1.2
I have one usb mouse (and my computer is one iMac).
I read the file /etc/X11/XF86Config and I detected that if I use mouseconfig and set "Universal Serial Bus 1 Button Mouse (USB)" for my configuration, the same mouseconfig write "Protocol IMPS/2" and "Device /dev/mouse" !! This is wrong but I don't know the type right to, without the help of mouseconfig, make the right thing. :((
I need help because now, I am using Linux with one mouse button only! This is, arghh, horrible!!

(ps.:sorry by my poor english :))

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