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Printing to an apple laser printer
I've recently finished setting up linuxppc R5. The final step was getting the printer to print (postscript files only). It was sufficiently painful that I decided to write it down for the next time. I have an Apple laser printer and a Farallon Etherwave to act as an ethernet/local talk bridge; hopefully these steps can be modified by others with a similar set up. I basically followed an old guide by Paul Du Bois for mklinux (unfortunately I've lost the URL), some changes were necessary. These steps were carried out as root of course.
1. I installed Netatalk (it didn't get installed initially but it was on the CD).
(The next step is plagerized from Du Bois' notes.)
2. Created a spool directory etc.
    # cd /var/spool
    # mkdir lp
    # chown root.lp lp
    # chmod 775 lp
# cd /dev # mkdir atalk # chown root.lp atalk # chmod 775 atalk # touch atalk/lp # chown root.lp atalk/lp # chmod 664 atalk/lp
3. Created a file /var/spool/lp/.paprc containing the name of the printer: Personal LaserWriter NTR:LaserWriter@*
4. Added the following lines to /etc/printcap
lp|Personal LaserWriter NTR:\
5. The directory /usr/lib/atalk/filters was empty, so I created a symbolic link:
    # cd /usr/lib/atalk/filters
    # ln -s ifpap /usr/sbin/psf
6. Rebooted (probably unecessary but...)

- Donu Arapura

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