(Category) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Trash :
"Unimplemented trap" at MkLinux booter
It seems that a few things may cause the MkLinux booter to crash before allowing the user to select either MKLinux or MacOS. Another entry in the FAQ-O-Matic suggests bad PRAM settings may cause this. In addition, at least one disk driver may cause this crash. The presence of a SyJet disk with the driver installed from Squest Utilities 4.0.1 at boot time will cause this crash. Solutions: 1. Don't have the disk in the drive when booting the computer (not a good solution if you want to boot from this disk...) 2. Replace the driver on the disk with a compatible one. Silverlining seemed to work for me. 3. (Untested possible solution:) It also may be possible to remove the driver altogether from the disk (with pdisk?) if you don't need a MacOS partition or if you have a utility that will mount the disk after the fact.
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