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Configuring kppp
Setting up kppp. by Steve Knouse knouse@neosoft.com November 13, 1998
Here's what worked for me, submitted in hopes it will help another UNIX/Linux rookie.
My ISP uses PAP authentication on their dial-up PPP server.
1. Log in as root.
2. Add the following to /etc/rc.d/rc.serial
   stty 57600 < /dev/cua0 # set the modem port to 57600.
3. Setup a symbolic link to /dev/cua0 from /dev/modem
   ln -s /dev/cua0 /dev/modem
4. Reboot and log in as a user
   Enter the command 'stty 57600 < /dev/cua0' then logout and log in 
   as a user
I couldn't get a connection when logged in as root. I don't know if I had something in root's kppp configuration set differently, or if kppp doesn't like to connect as root (and that is probably a good idea). A friend told me he thinks this is set in a configuration file, but he doesn't know which one.
5. Open kppp
6. Configure kppp
   6.1 My kppp configuration - not including many defaults
           Authentication = PAP
               Execute program on connect = xrefresh (eliminates or 
               diminishes a "feature" in pppd (or is it an X or KDE 
               bug?) that makes KDE go black)
           pppd arguments = -detach /dev/modem 57600 crtscts defaultroute
           Dyanmic IP Address = On
           Auto configure host name from this IP = Off
           IP addresses of your DNS 
           Domain = blank
           Disable existing DNS services during connection = On
         Logon script
           Use default script = On
           not enabled
         modem = /dev/modem
         flow control = ctsrts
         line term = cr/lf
         speed = 57600
         modem lock file = /var/lock/LCK..modem
         time out = 60 sec
         modem assets CD line = Off
         modem commands (for US Robotics 28.8 Sportster V42.bis)
           Initialization: AT &F &D2 &H1 &B1 Q0 X4 &A3 S7=75 S0=0
               For US Robotics 28.8 Sportster V42.bis. Spaces added 
               to improve readability. They are not entered in kppp.
           others at default settings
          # Explanation of Initialization commands
          # &F  Reset to Factory Defaults
          # &D2 Normal DTR Operation
          # &H1 Hardware Flow Control
          # &B1 Fixed serial port rate
          # Q0  Result codes displayed
          # X4  Result code option
          # &A3 Protocol codes enabled
          # S7=75 Number of seconds to wait for carrier
          # S0=0  Turn off answering
         pppd path = /usr/sbin/pppd
         timeout = 90
         log viewer = kedit
         disconnect on Xserver shutdown = On
         minimize window on connect = Off
6.2 Another way to set up kppp is to edit your kppprc file Notes: 1. *** indicates a parameter you need to edit 2. ### indicates a comment. Comments must be deleted. 2. Lists: Elements are comma delimited and end with a comma. See pppdArguments list for an example
--- start of $HOME/.kde/share/config/kppprc --- # KDE Config File [Account0] TotalBytes=0 AutoName=0 ExDNSDisabled=1 ScriptArguments= AccountingEnabled=0 Phonenumber=***your ISP phonenumber*** IPAddr= TotalCosts= Name=***account name*** Domain= VolumeAccountingEnabled=0 pppdArguments=-detach,/dev/modem,57600,crtscts,defaultroute, Password=***your_password*** ###Only if you want to store it### Command=xrefresh ScriptCommands= Authentication=1 ###PAP### SubnetMask= DNS=***list of your dns_servers*** AccountingFile= DefaultRoute=1 Username=***your_user_name*** StorePassword=1 ###Password is stored. Set to zero if you don't want to store it ### Gateway= DisconnectCommand= [Modem] BusyWait=0 EscapeResponse=OK AnswerString=ATA HangUpResponse=OK NoDialToneResp=NO DIALTONE ConnectResponse=CONNECT InitDelay=1 Enter=CR/LF FlowControl=CRTSCTS RingResponse=RING InitString=AT&F&D2&H1&B1Q0X4&A3S7=75S0=0 ###for a US Robotics 28.8 Sportster v42bis### HangupString=+++ATH Timeout=60 InitResponse=OK AnswerResponse=CONNECT DialString=ATDT UseCDLine=0 EscapeString=+++ Device=/dev/modem NoCarrierResponse=NO CARRIER BusyResponse=BUSY Lockfile=/var/lock/LCK..modem EscapeGuardTime=50 Speed=57600 [General] ShowLogWindow=0 DefaultAccount=***account name of default account*** DisconnectOnXServerExit=1 iconifyOnConnect=0 AutomaticRedial=0 LogViewer=kedit pppdPath=/usr/sbin/pppd NumberOfAccounts=1 ShowClock=1 DockIntoPanel=0 pppdTimeout=90 --- end of $HOME/.kde/share/config/kppprc ---
7. When done configuring, click Connect on the kppp control panel
   The connection went through and I got a dialog much like the dial
   up connection in Windows 95.
Steve Knouse knouse@neosoft.com November 13, 1998
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