(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Trash :
Ogrady's PowerPage linuxppc links
It's at http://www.ogrady.com/articles/linux.asp
The URL above has LOADS of info regarding getting linuxppc working on your powerbook (and other systems as well!) unfortunately, the page is copyrighted, so it can't be copied in here.
The Ogrady PowerPage has moved to http://go2mac.com/powerpage/ but I haven't found out where his linixppc page has moved.
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ashepard@u.washington.edu, inet2@akos.net, levy_j@hotmail.com
Next: (Answer) Details for Installing LinuxPPC 2000 on an iBook SE (might apply to other systems as well).
This document is: http://www.jonh.net/cgi-bin/lppcfom/fom?file=472
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