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Help! I'm having trouble installing Mklinux pre-dr3 on my G3 desktop
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Help! I have a G3 desktop 266mhz machine with an internal zip. I recently downloaded all the files in the pre-dr3 and dr3 folders at ftp://ftp.mklinux.apple.com. Then I backed up everything and using pdisk, deleted my macos partition, created a root, swap, and usr partition, then created another macos partition. All these partitions are on my internal ide hard disk. Then I restored everything on my mac side and put all the extensions and control panels in my system folder. After a couple of tries I realized that I couldn't start the bootstrap.conf file from my internal ide disk. So i put the mach_servers folder on a zip disk and put in the lilo.conf, rootdev=/dev/sdf5/ My zip disk is on scsi id 5 and the macos partition is 5. But I get this error message now that reads "Cannot set 'sd5e' as boot_device" Can you help me? If you have a solution please e-mail me at tchnoalien@aol.com tEcHnOaLiEn
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