(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Trash :
What PowerPC machines work with Linux?
I trashed this item because someone had apparently made a duplicate copy, and left it lying around. I kept the one that appeared newer.
If something is wrong or out of date, update what you know!
I've reorganized all the information in this document for clarity, but have 
not added much.  It should however now be easier for people with experience
to correct and update the information herein.  PLEASE add your
knowledge! - mth 971020
Alternately, you can check other supported machines documents for
each of the distributions (in case those happen to become more up to date than 
this document), at 
http://www.dartmouth.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/jonh/lppc/faq.pl?file=131 (MkLinux)
ftp://samba.anu.edu.au/pub/linux-pmac/STATUS (linux-pmac)
Here, machines are separated into these categories:
A.  NuBus machines (that can run only MkLinux)
B.  603e machines (that can only run linux-pmac)
C.  Other macs (which might run either or both linux distributions)
D.  other PPC machines (which don't run MacOS, but might run linux)
Basic rules of thumb:
1.  NuBus macs are supported by MkLinux, but not linux-pmac.
2.  603e machines are supported by linux-pmac, but not MkLinux (yet!)
3.  There still aren't many drivers for video and SCSI cards, so if your mac 
    is using one of these can be a problem  (FAQ-O-Matic doesn't yet 
    have a category for hardware support and drivers available- you'll
    just have to wander around or do a search on keywords; 'ATI', 'driver')
4.  A machine with an identical design but different processor speed 
    (compared to one listed here as functional) _ought_ to work as well.
If your machine isn't listed here, and you're not sure about hardware
specifics of your machine, a few sites with model details are:
*I think a good rule of thumb is if your computer uses ram DIMM chips then
 it's PCI and linux-pmac should work.  If it uses SIMMs, then you probably
 got a NuBus machine and it won't work.  All 604 and 604e are PCI.  
 - wj@acpub.duke.edu
Listed below for each model is the latest version of the linux distribution 
in question that has been verified to work.  A 'yes' means no specific
version information is known.  (Please replace the 'yes' entries with 
version numbers if you can verify them!)
--------- NuBus Macs ------------------------------------------------
NuBus machines are only supported by MkLinux.  linux-pmac will not support 
them.  All of these machines have 601 processors.
   NuBus machines that have been confirmed to run MkLinux:
                                  MkLinux            linux-pmac- NO
6100                              yes
7100                              yes
8100                              yes 
9150(WGS)                         yes (nexus@xs4all.nl)
Radius 81/110                     DR2.1u3 
--------- PPC 603e Macs ---------------------------------------------
603e machines are currently only supported by linux-pmac.  MkLinux doesn't
support any 603e machines _yet_.  All these machines have PCI buses. 
   Many alchemy-based machines use IDE drives; these may cause problems as 
the IDE drivers are newer than the well-aged SCSI drivers.  (There certainly 
has been trouble with IDE drives under MacOS.)  For info on booting
linux-pmac from internal SCSI, see http://www.duke.edu/~wj/linux/ideBoot.html
   Some of these machines also have unusual video circuitry or a 3rd party 
video board, requiring a specific driver.
   603e machines that should run linux-pmac:
                                  linux-pmac         MkLinux- NO
4400                              yes
5400                              yes 
5500                              yes (U !X)
6400                              yes
6500                              yes
PowerBase 180/200                 yes (I?)
StarMax 3000                      yes (M)
StarMax 5000                      yes (M U)
--------- The Rest --------------------------------------------------
601/604/604e PCI machines are supported by both MkLinux and linux-pmac.
All of the following machines have PCI buses.
                                  MkLinux            linux-pmac
7200      601                     yes                yes
7300      604e                    yes *              yes
7500      601                     yes                yes
7600      604                     yes                yes
8200      601                     yes                yes
8500      604                     yes                yes
8600      604e                    yes                yes
9500      604                     yes (A)            yes (A)
9600      604e                    yes                no
PowerCurve 120  601               DR2.1u2            yes
PowerWave 132   604               yes                yes
PowerWave 150   604               yes                yes
PowerCenter 120/132 604           yes                yes
PowerCenter 150 604               DR2.1u3            2.1.x
PowerTower 180e 604e              yes                yes
PowerCenterPro 180/210/240 604e   yes (!S !A) *      yes (S?) *
PowerTowerPro 200 604e            yes *              yes (!S) *
PowerTowerPro 225 604e            yes (T?) *         yes (T?) *
StarMax 4000 604e                 no                 yes (M)
UMAX Pulsar(?) 604e               DR2 *              ?
UMAX J700 604e                    DR2.1u2            yes (X?)
UMAX S900 604e                    DR2.1u5            yes (X?)
APS and PowerTools made machines using Tanzania boards like in the 
StarMaxi, and ought to work similarly.
(*) - see special note for this machine below
(A) - ATI mach64 video card in this machine is supported, but see note below
(I?) - IDE drives a problem?
(M) - see http://www.duke.edu/~wj/linux/ for linux on StarMaxi
(!S) - no support for the Adaptec SCSI card, must put HD on non-adaptec bus
(T?) - IMS Twin Turbo isn't well-supported.. e.g., see notes below.
(U) - unverified, but should work! change it if you know better! ;)
(!X) - no X.
ATI Graphics notes
- 16 bit colour is handled improperly for VT and GT chipsets under Xpmac
- PowerBase's video is 'flaky' under linux-pmac
- DR2.1update[56] may not correctly recognize some ATI cards (such as 
  the ATY,mach64_3D_pcc)
More on PowerMac 7300 support (with workaround for mklinux and 7.6.1)
Running pmac/linux on a PowerMac 7300 should work without a hitch, and
contrary to what the documentation may say, the X11 version in the
mklinux DR2.1 userland works without modification - at least it did on
my system.
Regular mklinux, with the Mach kernel, does run on the 7300. However, it
requires a modification (see elsewhere in the FAQomatic) to run on a 7300
with MacOS 7.5.5. Since Enabler 702 has been rolled into MacOS 7.6.1 or
newer, a different workaround is required with. This is how:
- You will need a MacOS (HFS) partition about 10MB in size that has no
  System Folder. You will also need your MacOS CD with System 7.5.5
- Insert the MacOS 7.5.5 CD
- Find the System Folder it uses to boot; copy this onto the partition
- Move the mklinux files in your current System Folder onto the partition
  (this includes the mklinux control panel, mach kernel etc)
- Copy the necessary settings file (lilo.conf, etc) into the Preferences
  folder in your new System Folder; you need to create this Prefs folder
- Make sure the new System Folder *does not* contain System Enabler 702!
- To run mklinux, select this partition in the Startup Disk control panel
As you can see, getting mklinux to run is awkward and cumbersome. Why not
use pmac/linux, which runs fine without modification? ;-)
PowerTower Pro 225 w/ IMS Twin Turbo 128M 8Meg video card and IBM drive.
- IMS Twin Turbo: in 24-bit, console is unreadable, X works. 
in 8-bit: Console is visible, but with colormap problems (I get yellow 
background/red text), and X also has colormap problems (light yellow text 
on lighter yellow background). 
- Had to add jumper to drive to get it to work (see elsewhere in FAQ for 
info on this -- 2.1 update 2 might have fixed the problem).
PowerCenter Pro's: Yes, it is possible to get it working,
  though a mini-tower case certainly helps.  The problem is that this machine
  has two SCSI buses: one regular internal bus recognized by the MkLinux
  Installer, and one Ultra-Wide one serviced by an Adaptec 2940UW, which is 
  *not* recognized by said Installer.  Opening up the case, and placing the 
  hard drive on the former bus (as shipped by Power Computing, the HD is
  on the latter bus) will alleviate this problem. 
  ObWarning: Please take your time, be careful, and be patient in doing
  this, as the PCP 180 and 210 are in cramped quarters, even in the mini-
  tower case.  Strive to keep the area near the heat sink free of SCSI
  cables wherever possible, because the original SCSI ribbon cable layout
  is meant for maximizing air flow as well -- every inch of space around
  hardware components helps!
  ObWarrantyWarning:  This procedure may violate your warranty.  Coax,
   cajole, and badger Power Computing to ship Linux-capable machines. =-)
  While you'll now be able to run MkLinux, your disk access will suffer
  a performance hit (your HD is on a slower bus).  You can compensate a
  little by moving the CD-Rom drive to the Adaptec-supervised bus.  MkL
  won't see the CD-ROM drive anymore, so if you want anything from the 
  MkL CDs after this point, you're stuck with 1) copying 
  items to the HD from the CD-ROM in the MacOS and 2) using hmount on the
  MkLinux side to access the desired items.  Hey, it's better than
  AFAIK, there's no word on when the Adaptec 2940UW will be supported (check
  relevant Web sites!), so this is the best solution for the time being.
  (As for formatting the HD, you must must must read the documentation that 
  comes with your bundled copy of FWB's Hard Disk Toolkit.  
  Search on "MkLinux".)
Note--the Adaptec is a 2930. It might work with the aic7xxx driver, if ported
Motorola Starmax: Linux-pmac is working, but not MkLinux yet. More information 
for running Linux on StarMax is available at http://www.duke.edu/~wj/linux .
An X capable video driver is now part of the standard linux-pmac distribution 
for VT and GT chipset video.
Umax Pulsar (166MHz 604e) - This 9500 series based clone seems to work OK with 
DR2, but under X the colormap becomes distorted even in 8bit mode.
This is probably due to the Imagine 128 video card, which also leaves the 
original MacOS mouse pointer in place after switching to MkLinux. 
(NB: This is the case even if the card's acceleration is turned off in MacOS.)
Non-MacOS PowerPC machines (PREP) that run Linux:
Firepower (? - please add what you know)
Motorola  - PowerStack, Series E, PowerStack II
Zenith Z PowerSeries E ( now has Cirrus X support )
IBM 830, 43P (these are normally shipped w/ AIX 4.x;
              both bsed on PPC604)
IBM 850 - IBM Personal Computer Power Series 850 has a PC604
           (100MHz,120MHz, 133MHz). It shipped with either 
           NT 3.5.x or AIX 4.x. It was withdrawn from marketing March 1996.  
           Some hardware/service support is still available.
IBM 6015 - IBM Power Series 400 (601 PPC)
IBM 40P - PPC601 based box
IBM Nobis - Similar to 40P, manufactured in Milan, Italy
IBM INDI - PPC604 based box built in Milan, Italy
Be BeBox 2x66, 2x133 (currently only supports #9GXE64 and Diamond Stealth64 VGA)
started 1997-01-28 jcarr@linuxppc.org
updated 1997-02-06 mliberat@ecs.umass.edu
updated 1997-02-08 timothy_buchheim@hmc.edu (added PowerTower 180e)
updated 1997-02-17 john@dtoptions.co.uk (added UMAX Pulsar 604e/166)
updated 1997-02-17 slipcon@cs.jhu.edu (added 7600 - why was it missing?)
updated 1997-02-19 caesar@andrew.cmu.edu (added PowerTower Pro 200)
updated 1997-02-19 tony_niesz@mail.utexas.edu (added Radius 81/110)
updated 1997-03-15 matesch@students.wisc.edu (distinguish btw. mk/pmac)
updated 1997-03-15 sharding@oregon.uoregon.edu (added PowerCenter 150 info)
updated 1997-03-16 mlan@selection-line.net (info about ATI video card)
updated 1997-03-16 tdemayo@earthlink.net (added PowerCenter 120)
updated 1997-03-29 dlazenby@ix.netcom.com (added IBM Personal Computer Power Series 850 info.)
updated 1997-04-04 mendenmh@nashville.net (added Mac7300 info)
updated 1997-04-12 ssartor@planet.net (added UMAX J700) 
updated 1997-04-13 stian@mail.utexas.edu (added more PowerMac 7300 info)
updated 1997-04-13 fray@kernel.crashing.org (added some NuBus info)
updated 1997-04-13 sawatzkb@skatter.usask.ca (added PowerWave 132 info)
updated 1997-04-14 jk@esperance.com (added PowerBase 240, minor cleanup, and ISO dates, fixed non-mac list(no new info))
updated 1997-04-16 wj@acpub.duke.edu (added StarMax info)
updated 1997-04-18 haceaton@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu (updated StarMax info)
updated 1997-04-19 jcg@cs.cmu.edu (updated PowerTowerPro info)
updated 1997-05-08 wj@acpub.duke.edu (updated StarMax)
updated 1997-05-16 skramer@erinet.com (added PowerCenterPro 180)
updated 1997-05-24 sigurasg@menandmice.is (added UMAX S900)
updated 1997-06-02 gdt@linuxppc.org (updated native [PreP] info)
updated 1997-06-14 wj@acpub.duke.edu (updated monolithic info)
updated 1997-06-24 dcaugh@nortel.ca (added PowerCenter Pro 180 HW config info)
updated 1997-06-24 ralf@espenschied.com (added PowerMac 9600)
updated 1997-07-07 reik@nt.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de (added PowerCenter 150 with MkLinux)
updated 1997-07-09 buskulic@lapp.in2p3.fr (added Performa 5400)
updated 1997-07-28 tony_niesz@mail.utexas.edu (updated Radius info)
updated 1997-07-29 nicolas@pobox.com (added ** for linux-pmac and 9500)
updated 1997-09-15 geweke@uclink.berkeley.edu (added linux-pmac on PowerCenter Pro 180)
updated 1997-10-20 hamlin_m@pa.msu.edu (added PCC PowerCurve, re-organized info for clarity)
updated 1997-10-27 mcalmus@sunflowr.usd.edu (updated Umax S900)
updated 1997-12-02 atong@uiuc.edu
nexus@xs4all.nl, wj@acpub.duke.edu, jcarr@linuxppc.org, mliberat@ecs.umass.edu, timothy_buchheim@hmc.edu, john@dtoptions.co.uk, slipcon@cs.jhu.edu, caesar@andrew.cmu.edu, tony_niesz@mail.utexas.edu, matesch@students.wisc.edu, sharding@oregon.uoregon.edu, mlan@selection-line.net, tdemayo@earthlink.net, dlazenby@ix.netcom.com, mendenmh@nashville.net, ssartor@planet.net, stian@mail.utexas.edu, fray@kernel.crashing.org, sawatzkb@skatter.usask.ca, jk@esperance.com, haceaton@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu, jcg@cs.cmu.edu, skramer@erinet.com, sigurasg@menandmice.is, gdt@linuxppc.org, dcaugh@nortel.ca, ralf@espenschied.com, reik@nt.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de, buskulic@lapp.in2p3.fr, nicolas@pobox.com, geweke@uclink.berkeley.edu, hamlin_m@pa.msu.edu, mcalmus@sunflowr.usd.edu, atong@uiuc.edu, nritter@mail.lfcds.lfc.edu, dhorn@techdev.compuserve.com
Apple Network Server 500/700
The network servers will boot, although you'll need to monkey with open firmware yourself to get it to boot. X, of course, does not work.
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