(Answer) (Category) Linux on PowerPC FAQ-O-Matic : (Category) Trash :
mklinux installer trouble...bunzip2: couldn't allocate enough memory.
I'm trying to install mklinux DR3 on a 6100 PowerMac 60 mhz with 16 megs of RAM. Repartioning with pdisk running on Mac OS 7.5 was successful. The drive now has 3 partitions: 1 mac standard and 2 A/UX. After changing the lilo.conf file to indicate that the cd-rom drive has a scsi interface, the red hat installer sucessful begins. However, after language and keyboard are selected, and I have indicated that my installation cd is indeed in the drive, I get the following error message:
bunzip2: couldn't allocate enough memory
                 input file = (stdin ), output file = (stdout)
bunzip2: couldn't allocate enough memory
                  input file = (stdin ), output file = (stdout)
bunzip2: couldn't allocate enough memory
                 input file = (stdin ), output file = (stdout)
rm: file not found ln: file not found ln: file not found
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Jeff
I have the same problem. Help would be appreciated!!
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