So I'm a big fan of T-shirts. I realize that a three-week IM "season" barely qualifies for a T-shirt, but

  1. like I'll ever win one of those "Yes, I.M." T-shirts,
  2. like people will believe me if I do,
  3. like the members of team 0 don't wipe the mud off their boots with their "Yes, I.M." T-shirts, so what glory is there in that?, and
  4. hey, almost all my other T-shirts are in the wash.
So I submit my modest survey:

For about $8.50-$10, depending on how many people want them, you could have your very own, VERY limited edition Volleyball Geeks '0x61 T-Shirt. Here's a proposed design. The bits on the left say "Spike". Decode the bits on the right yourself. I'd have the screen printer rotate the pattern so that the "name" (address?) of your team was on top. Or something. (Suggestions from people with design taste accepted. :v)

The cost would depend on T-shirt weight ($1 more per tee for the heaviest grade, which I'd prefer), color (more for darker colors, but less than a dollar a shirt more, I think), and how many people order (we split a setup fee of $25 among however many people decide this would be fun).

I thought we'd have one color (and image orientation) for team 1, and another color for team 0.
