Enhancing Modularity
Most Objects Live in a Pervasive Namespace
Unix was widely lauded for unifying naming by placing many types of objects into the same (filesystem) namespace. However, for a variety of reasons, many resources are not available via the Unix filesystem namespace.

Some Unix resources have always lived in their own namespaces, perhaps only meaningful to a subset of system calls. Examples include user and group IDs, environment variables, process IDs, the standard input and output streams, fcntl, ioctl, msgctl, and sockopt options, process arguments (argv[]), and permissions or access control lists.

Some resources could have been accessible via the filesystem structure if the filesystem had allowed a node to be simultaneously a directory and a leaf. For example, the user records in /etc/passwd could appear as individual filesystem objects, perhaps as an alternate view of the flat passwd file.

Many configuration files (databases) encode internal objects that could be made available via a pervasive namespace.

Still other resources have grown up outside the filesystem namespace. The difficulty of user-level extension to the filesystem could be partly to blame. For example, URLs are hierarchical like Unix paths, and have been shown to fit nicely into a pervasive namespace. Socket endpoints are named in a separate (address, service port) namespace. One could imagine a namespace interface to database systems that would allow the use of common tools on database objects.

While having objects share a namespace doesn't guarantee that they will be interoperable, having objects live in separate namespaces all but prevents interoperability. A pervasive namespace is an important first step toward enhancing modularity.

File utilities (grep, sort, ...) understand hierarchical string names

chmod() understands integers as User IDs

getenv() understands single-word keys

Browsers and web crawlers understand URLs, hierarchical string names with predefined meaning and syntax at each level

In Snowflake, many more types of objects can be reached using a uniform namespace. (Some objects, such as those used to implement the namespace, will always need lower-level names.)