(Answer) (Category) Faq-O-Matic Faq-O-Matic :
Managing Brocadde SAS release and integrating it into Invista release
Here is the procedure for copying the releases from brocade onto the ftp server and to checkin the sas libraries when a new SAS release is made by Brocade.
For SAS...
The release needs to be pushed to both FTP servers (Hopkinton:, admin/fabx01; India:, fabx-admin/fabx01), so that switches can be upgraded from the FTP servers.
In Hopkinton (, create a directory matching the version, in this case, xpath_sas_v2.1.3k_rc1_bld05.

/SAS/sas<sas version>

    sas<sas version> 
        sas-<sas version>-7.ppc.rpm

In India (, create a directory under /home/fabx-admin matching the version, in this case, xpath_sas_v2.1.3k_rc1_bld05.

/SAS/sas<sas version>

    sas<sas version> 
        sas-<sas version>-7.ppc.rpm

The SAS package contains includes and libraries necessary to build the salagent. These files need to imported into a CSE view and built before checkin. Place the SAS tgz file in some location, e.g your home directory (on hagrid or hagridi). Extract the contents...

1)You will need to login to a Linux CSE machine to build salagent for Sabre/Scimitar.

e.g Login to tonks ( with your spgear credentials.

2) All views created in hagrid will be visible on the Linux CSE server. You may as well create a new view.

To create view and use '/usr/atria/bin/cleartool setview <viewname>

3) The view will be available in /vobs/fabx

4) Set the following environment variables:

    setenv FABX_ROOT /vobs/fabx
    setenv BUILD_TARGET scimitar+optim

5) Use 'cleartool' to checkout and make the code changes, e.g -

    '/usr/atria/bin/cleartool -co <filename>'

6) To add new sdk directory go to the place where you want it, and use

    hagrid% cd /vobs/fabx/switch_sw/contrib
hagrid% /usr/atria/bin/cleartool co -nc .
hagrid% /usr/atria/bin/cleartool mkdir -nc <sassdk-directory-name>
hagrid% cd <sassdk-directory-name>
hagrid% /usr/atria/bin/cleartool mkdir include
hagrid%/usr/atria/bin/cleartool mkdir lib

    hagrid%import_hierarchy --from ~<sassdk-source-dir> --to  

7) Before checking in, make all your files contrib_source. Here is a little csh foreach look that finds all the spgear_managed_source files, recursively descending into sub-directories, and then changes runs a cleartool chtype command on each to change it to be a contrib_source file.
hagrid%foreach f (`/usr/atria/bin/cleartool find . -element '{eltype(spgear_managed_source)}' -print `) ? /usr/atria/bin/cleartool chtype -force -nc contrib_source $f ? end

8) If new sassdk to be added use
hagrid%'/usr/atria/bin/cleartool rm sassdk' to delete exisiting sassdk link hagrid%/usr/atria/bin/cleartool ln -s <new sassdk> for new sassdk.

9) brocade_version.txt is now changed to scimitar_version.txt in CPC Install the sas software and see the o/p of "firmwareshow". The entry for sas should be the same as it is shown in the o/p. Be aware that switchcli does not trim spaces so it should be exactly the same.
/usr/atria/bin/cleartool co -nc scimitar_version.txt


10) issue gmake (from scimitar+optim) for salagent binary of 'gmake release_pkg' for the tar file.
11) to install new sas, Copy the new sas directry to cpc and issue command 'firmwaredownload -a sas <cpc ip>,<ftp user>,/<sas dir>,<passwd>'

Installing Salagent manually in (brocade) Sabre settup ======================================================= As got from the mail from Badrivishal Srinivasan,
1) Login to BP (Blade processor)
2) Check if /brocade already exisists, if not
BFOS:root> mkdir /brocade BFOS:root> mkdir /brocade/debug BFOS:root> cd /brocade BFOS:root> ftp <server_ip> // ftp to where FABX_Scimitar_<version>.tar file is there and get the file.
3) tar -xvf FABX_scimitar.tar This will create the directory FABX_Scimitar_<version>.
4) Link the directory "current" to it (if it already exists, remove it).
BFOS:root> ln -s FABX_Scimitar_<version> current
5) To run the salagent, BFOS:root> cd /brocade/debug BFOS:root> ../current/salagent & so that if the salagent crashes, the core file will be written to /brocade/debug.
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